Welcome! To Nothing Special...

This is one of the most amazing sites you ever find, and you'll be coming back here, day after day, begging for new posts by me. Why? What kind of posts will I make that are so good that Everybody will love them? It will be because I post all kinds of things! For the artistic, for the strange and weird, paranormal, and the money grubbers. The Sci-Fi'ers and the normal average Joe, I will have content for everyone. Is this a group of people? I mean, no one man can be so varied! But I can, and I am, and it is only me. Bookmark this page, you entered a whole new area that will, in general, make your life better. ;)

Friday, August 10

It's been years...

It's been years since I've last posted in this blog. It is very hard for me to keep up with it regularly, mainly because NOBODY WILL EVER READ THIS.

Besides the point. If you do, check out my Youtube. All will be explained in the next post.

Friday, July 1

What is the Plan?

Always wish you were there to take part in the revolutions of your forefathers?

Take a chance, this one is all on you.

Sunday, June 19